Happy hackers at Maker Faire 2011

SAN MATEO, Calif.--From the size of the crowd at Maker Faire today, it's clear the world has a growing appetite for DIY innovation. More than 100,000 people were expected for the sixth annual event, taking place at the San Mateo County Event Center this weekend.

A diverse mix of science, engineering, design, and art--with everything from robots to knitting to exploding soda to steam rollers--Maker Faire is an otherworldly extravaganza that attracts kids and adults, leaving both wide-eyed at the marvelous maker creations.

Where else can you see four very realistic beeping R2D2s twirling around through gawking crowds?

iPad Owners Spend More Time Using in Bed than in Bathroom

Users of Apple's iPad and other tablets prefer to spend more time fiddling with their devices in bed than in the bathroom.

That’s the assessment of a new study by The Nielsen Co.

Nielsen recently surveyed 12,000 tablet, e-reader and smartphone owners in the U.S. to find out where and in what situations people like to use the gadgets.The study also measured how long people use their devices compared to other situations. Use while watching TV, lying in bed, hanging out with friends and family, waiting for a doctor's appointment, and in the bathroom were all gauged.

Users of tablets, e-readers and smartphones said they spend about 3 percent to 4 percent of their gadget time in the bathroom. By comparison, about 21 percent of a tablet user’s time is spent lying in bed, and 11 percent of smartphone usage is spent on the mattress, according to the survey. Sixty-one percent of e-reader owners cited bedtime as a great situation for opening an e-book. And 37 percent of e-reading time was spent lying in bed among those surveyed.

The most popular place to use tablets appears to be in front of the tube.

Seventy percent of tablet owners cited watching TV as the most popular situation for using a tablet. This was also the biggest time suck with 30 percent of a user's tablet time spent in front of the set.

The least popular situation to pull out the electronic gizmos?

Tablet owners said they are least likely to use the device while commuting. Smartphone owners are most reluctant to pull out their device during a class or meeting. And 9 percent of e-reader users surveyed say they leave their gadgets at home when shopping or running errands.

'Jeopardy!'-Winning Computer Delving Into Medicine

IBM's Watson computer system, best known for defeating the world's best "Jeopardy!" players, now delivers rapid-fire answers to questions about diseases and medicines.

The company says it could be suggesting diagnoses and treatments to doctors right at a patient's bedside in the next couple of years.
In the Server Room of Jeopardy Challenger 'Watson' Watch Video
Jeopardy: Man vs. Machine Watch Video
Buying High Watch Video

A recent demonstration showed how Watson's suggested diagnoses evolved as the computer was given more information about a patient, including where the patient lived. When told a patient was pregnant, it altered its treatment suggestion.

Watson is being fed a diet of medical textbooks and journals and taking training questions in plain language from medical students. A doctor who is helping IBM says its database might soon include entries from blogs.

Microsoft and Facebook team up to fight child porn

Facebook is expanding its efforts to fight child pornography using Microsoft technology, Redmond announced in a blog post yesterday.

The world's largest social network has joined the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children's PhotoDNA program. The service, which was developed by Microsoft Research and Dartmouth College in 2009, uses image-matching technology to find known depictions of child pornography across the Web. Facebook plans to use the technology across its network to ensure child pornography is not circulating through the site.

Microsoft has been using PhotoDNA with great success since the service's development. According to the company, it has analyzed more than 2 billion images through its Bing image search and SkyDrive. So far, it has found 1,500 matches and 1,000 matches on Bing and SkyDrive, respectively.

"Many of these images recirculate on the Internet time and time again, even many years after the original crime occurred and the abuser has been brought to justice," Ernie Allen, president and CEO of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children wrote on Microsoft's blog. "And every time these crime scene images are viewed, the children in the images are re-victimized. PhotoDNA aims to break this cycle, so the images of abuse need not haunt these children online forever."

This isn't Facebook's first move to stem the proliferation of child pornography on the Web. Last year, the company, along with MySpace, joined forces with then-Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, now governor of New York, to develop a "digital fingerprints" database. The tool would be used by the social networks to analyze a photo before it's uploaded to see if it matches the database of pornographic images. If so, the upload process would be blocked.

"Protecting Facebook users, especially the many young people who use our site, has always been a top priority and we devote significant resources to developing innovative systems to proactively monitor the site for suspicious activity and the rare cases of illegal content," Facebook Chief Security Officer Joe Sullivan said last year after Facebook announced its partnership with the attorney general.

Facebook plans to make an official announcement on its partnership with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children on PhotoDNA later today. Those who are interested in hearing more about its plans can watch live starting at 12 p.m. PT. Users can also ask questions and have them answered by a panel discussing the launch.

PG Auto Pro Classifieds Software Shell Upload

## PG Auto Pro classifieds software (FCKeditor) Arbitary File Upload ##
## Author : kaMtiEz (kamtiez@exploit-id.com) ##
## Homepage : www.indonesiancoder.com | www.exploit-id.com | www.magelangcyber.web.id ##
## Date : 14 May, 2011 ##

[ Software Information ]

[+] Vendor : http://www.pgautopro.com/
[+] Download : – ( because not free :( )
[+] Price : PG Auto Pro $499.00 ( http://www.pgautopro.com/pricing.php )
[+] version : -
[+] Vulnerability : File Upload
[+] Dork : “CiHuY”


[ Vulnerable File ][kaMtiEz]/system/plugins/fckeditor/editor/filemanager/connectors/test.html

[ Shell ][kaMtiEz]/uploads/file/YourFile.txt

[ DEMO ]



[ FIX ]

dunno :”>


[ Thx TO ]

[+] Tukulesto,arianom,el-farhatz,Jundab,Ibl13Z,Ulow,s1do3L,Boebefa,Hmei7,RyanAby,AlbertWired,GonzHack
[+] Lagripe-Dz,KedAns-Dz,By_aGreSiF,t0r3x,Mboys,Contrex,Gh4mb4S,jos_ali_joe,k4l0ng666,n4sss,r3m1ck,
[+] yur4kh4,xr0b0t,kido,trycyber,n4ck0,El k4mpr3t0 dan teman2 semuanya yang saya tak bisa sebutkan satu2 :D

[ NOTE ]

[+] For Wantexz .. Get Well Soon My Friends :)
[+] Special Thx to my brotherhood in DejavuNet :D
[+] Jangan Takut , Luka Pasti Akan Sembuh :)


[+] nothing secure ..

WordPress EditorMonkey (FCKeditor) Remote File Upload

## WordPress EditorMonkey (FCKeditor) Remote File Upload
## Author : kaMtiEz (kamtiez@exploit-id.com)
## Homepage : www.indonesiancoder.com | www.exploit-id.com | www.magelangcyber.web.id
## Date : 14 May, 2011

[ Software Information ]

[+] Vendor : http://rajprasad.wordpress.com/plugins/editormonkey/
[+] Download : http://www.kumovies.com/wp-content/plugins/editormonkey.tar.gz
[+] version : 2.5 or lower maybe also affected
[+] Vulnerability : File Upload
[+] Dork : “CiHuY”


[ Vulnerable File ][kaMtiEz]/wp-content/plugins/editormonkey/fckeditor/editor/filemanager/upload/test.html

[ Shell ][kaMtiEz]/UserFiles/YourFile.txt

[ DEMO ]


[ FIX ]

dunno :”>


[ Thx TO ]

[+] Tukulesto,arianom,el-farhatz,Jundab,Ibl13Z,Ulow,s1do3L,Boebefa,Hmei7,RyanAby,AlbertWired,GonzHack
[+] Lagripe-Dz,KedAns-Dz,By_aGreSiF,t0r3x,Mboys,Contrex,Gh4mb4S,jos_ali_joe,k4l0ng666,n4sss,r3m1ck,El k4mpr3t0
[+] yur4kh4,xr0b0t,kido,trycyber,n4ck0,dan teman2 semuanya yang saya tak bisa sebutkan satu2 :D

[ NOTE ]

[+] For Wantexz .. Get Well Soon My Friends :)
[+] Special Thx to my brotherhood in DejavuNet :D
[+] Jangan Takut , Luka Pasti Akan Sembuh :)


[+] nothing secure ..

Is Google’s Chromebook The Death Knell For Antivirus?

Updated and corrected below.

The antivirus industry likely let out a collective groan when Google first made a familiar-sounding boast Wednesday: that the just-launched laptops it’s calling Chromebooks have “security built-in so there is no anti-virus software to buy and maintain.”Similar claims from Apple (that its computers are safe “right out of the box“) or from Oracle (that its machines are “unbreakable“) have only been invitations to the security industry to prove otherwise. But this time is different: Google may have built something so simple that it renders security add-ons–and the industry that sells them–irrelevant.

Chromebooks are built to run nothing but a browser–unless they’re jailbroken, no executable files can be installed, neither antivirus software, nor the malicious software it’s meant to protect against. And if that web-only strategy catches on–still a big if, admittedly–it could spell real trouble for antivirus companies like McAfee, Symantec, Kaspersky and Trend Micro.

Charlie Miller, a researcher for Independent Security Evaluators who has made a career out of disproving Apple’s security claims, has owned a Chromebook since February, when the machines were sent as freebies to winners of the Pwn2Own hacking competition in Vancouver. He hasn’t dug deeply into the device’s security, but he says the Web-only security model works in theory. While a hacker might exploit bugs in the Chrome browser to run code on a user’s machine, that exploit would only allow the attacker to access the user’s data for a single session, and would disappear the moment the browser closed. “The way you stay persistent [as a hacker] is by installing software,” says Miller. “This is designed not to allow any persistence. You turn it off and on and you’re good to go.”

Update and correction :
A critical response post at Tom’s Tech Blog points out a few issues I missed here. Google is releasing a software development kit for native applications, which could potentially introduce security vulnerabilities. And with regard to Charlie Miller’s quote above, even a hijacked browser could potentially steal a user’s credentials, which could allow access to his or her cloud-stored data. (Though the point remains that this isn’t an issue that necessarily can be fixed by antivirus software.) Apologies for these oversights.

The Chromebook’s security model means the antivirus industry is facing a new kind of PC more similar to the iPhone than a netbook, argues Perimeter E-Security chief technology officer Andrew Jaquith: a limited device with security inherent in its restrictions . When Jaquith was still an analyst for Forrester Research last August, he wrote a widely-read post arguing the folly of Intel’s McAfee acquisition. One point in that argument was that McAfee is less relevant than ever before, as the burden for security in post-PC devices like tablets and smartphones shifts to the vendor–Apple, Google or RIM–instead of the security industry.

The Chromebook contributes to that larger post-PC problem for McAfee and its ilk, Jaquith argues. He points to data from Gartner Research that predicts sales of 1.4 billion post-PC devices (a category that he construes as including the Chromebook) by 2015 compared with 540 million traditional PCs. “Very few of these will need AV. That’s terrible news for security vendors because three-quarters of the market for their traditional products is about to go away,” says Jaquith. “That’s what happens when you build security in, instead of relying on the market to bolt it on. It’s great for customers, and terrible for the security aftermarket.”

When I asked McAfee chief executive David DeWalt about the problem that the security faces with regard to restricted devices like smartphones last month, he pointed out that McAfee has an opportunity to help businesses integrate those post-PC devices securely and that McAfee’s mobile software can help consumers track lost phones and back up their data, as well as protect them from malware. He also brought up a string of rogue apps that recently appeared in Google’s Android market as evidence of the need for post-PC security.

But integrating Chromebooks into an organization is easy enough–they don’t store any data locally, so they pose little risk of causing a data breach. Tracking lost phones and performing backups is hardly enough of a task to sustain giant antivirus operations like McAfee and Symantec. And in that Android outbreak that DeWalt referenced, Google flipped its remote kill switch, remotely wiping the offending apps without any security company’s intervention–hardly a demonstration of McAfee’s relevance in mobile.

The Chromebook is locked down even tighter than Android, and reduces antivirus’s foothold from slim to near-zero. The ultra-simple devices may catch on, or not. But either way, they’re a reminder that the PC world is facing an incursion by post-PC devices, and that those devices will be post-antivirus, too.

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Sony to pay compensation over PlayStation security breach

SONY will compensate millions of PlayStation users whose personal details were hacked in a massive security breach.

And yesterday the electronics giant’s CEO Sir Howard Stringer also apologised for the first time to all those affected.

On the PlayStation website Sir Howard said: “As a company, we – and I – apologise for the inconvenience and concern caused by this attack.”

He then offered compensation to US PlayStation Network and other online product users in the form of a year-long free enrolment in an identity protection programme. It includes a £600,000 ID theft insurance policy. To try to reassure Sony customers, he added: “To date, there is no confirmed evidence any credit card or personal information has been misused.”

Sony revealed last month that hackers had swiped the names, addresses and possibly credit card details of more than 100 million accounts used for accessing games and music over the internet.

One expert warned security concerns could hit sales of Sony’s gadgets and hurt growth prospects for its network services. But Peter Walshe, of global brands research agency Millward Brown, insisted the main Sony brand should bounce back.

Yesterday, online vigilante group Anonymous denied being behind the cyber-attack. A posting on its blog said: “Let’s be clear, we are legion but it wasn’t us. You are incompetent, Sony.”

LastPass May Have Been Hacked, Virgin Media Outsources To Accenture, BlackBerry PlayBook Successor

LastPass, a company that allows its users to manage their passwords online, has revealed that it has detected anomalous traffic at its data center which might be due to hackers. The company said on its website that "We know roughly the amount of data transferred and that it's big enough to have transferred people's email addresses, the server salt and their salted password hashes from the database."

A couple from Wyoming has accused a national computer rental company of spying on its customers using webcams and other means. According to a report on Trib, Brian and Crystal Byrd have accused Aaron’s of spying on them without their knowledge. The couple alleged in the lawsuit that the company used a special device to spy on its customers’ electronic communication and even photographed them unknowingly via webcam.

A group of researchers in Japan are currently developing a “kissing simulator” which will allow people to kiss over the internet. The research carried out by the Kajimoto Research Laboratory at the University of Electro-Communications focuses towards building a machine that records the motion of the tongue and sends it across the other side of the web, at the target.

UK telecom giant Virgin Media is planning a major overhaul in its IT infrastructure by awarding an outsourcing contract to Accenture. Sources have told The Register that the company’s move to outsource its IT might have an immediate impact on 174 people including 90 redundancies. The report comes as the company announced its plans to close down its call centre in Trowbridge, Wiltshire.

According to recent rumours, the BlackBerry phone maker Research in Motion (RIM) is going to unveil the successor of its BlackBerry PlayBook tablet with a massive 10 inch screen. The rumours came into being following an unconfirmed report published in the tech website Boy Genius Report.


Sony apologizes, offers insurance after hacking

Sony Corp. Chairman Howard Stringer apologized and offered U.S. users of its PlayStation Network and Qriocity online services a year of free identity-theft protection after the system was crippled by hackers.

Japan's biggest consumer-electronics exporter will offer a $1 million insurance policy per user, covering legal expenses, identity-restoration costs and lost wages that occur after data is stolen, Sony said in a blog post. Austin-based Debix Inc. was hired to provide the monitoring service and similar programs for customers in other countries are being considered.

The announcement follows last month's hacking of Sony's online entertainment and games platforms when the Tokyo-based company was criticized by U.S. lawmakers for not informing users of the breach quick enough.

"I welcome Sony's strong first step toward protecting millions of consumers whose personal and financial information has been compromised," U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal, a Democrat from Connecticut, said in a statement.

"This is an unprecedented case of information theft in terms of the number of accounts involved," said Nobuo Kurahashi, an analyst at Mizuho Financial Group Inc. in Tokyo. "There are lots of uncertainties including lawsuits, making it difficult to estimate the company's overall expense."

U.S. subscribers have until June 18 to sign up for Debix's AllClear ID Plus protection program, said Patrick Seybold, a Sony spokesman for the video-games unit.

'Frustrating Time'

Sony didn't say whether the program will cover identity theft that isn't related to the mid-April breach of the PlayStation and Qriocity networks, which affected 77 million accounts. Some 24.6 million users of the Sony Online Entertainment platform were also affected, the company said.

"I know this is a frustrating time for all of you," Stringer said in the blog post. "Let me assure you that the resources of this company have been focused on investigating the entire nature and impact of the cyber attack we've all experienced and on fixing it."

Kazuo Hirai, Sony's executive deputy president in charge of consumer products and network services, apologized May 1 for the breach and said the company aims to restore the online gaming center by the end of the month after upgrading security. Hirai and two other officials bowed in apology at a press conference in Tokyo, and said Sony can't rule out credit card numbers and expiry dates having been stolen. The company is cooperating with authorities, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Legal Backlash

The console maker has faced a legal and political backlash over delays in the time it took to warn customers their accounts had been compromised. Users were alerted of the breach April 27, six days after the shutdown of the movie and music-streaming services. The company hired technical experts to find out the problem.

"I wish we could have gotten the answers we needed sooner, but forensic analysis is a complex, time-consuming process," Stringer wrote. "Hackers, after all, do their best to cover their tracks. It took some time for our experts to find those tracks and begin to identify what personal information had, or had not, been taken."


Sony said on May 2 that the April attack also gave hackers access to data from Sony Online Entertainment, which offers role-playing games. That exposed 23,400 credit-card and debit records from non-U.S. customers, and the personal account information of 24.6 million account holders.

The inventor of Walkman music players was subpoenaed by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman over the data braches, a person familiar with the probe said.

In a letter to U.S. lawmakers, the company said while looking into the Sony Online Entertainment breach, it discovered that intruders had "planted a file on one of those servers named 'Anonymous,' with the words, 'We are Legion.'"

The company noted that weeks earlier, several Sony divisions had been the "target of a large-scale, coordinated denial-of-service attack" by Anonymous, a hacker-activist group.

Sony was singled out in a statement by 'Anonymous' after the company sued George Hotz, a 21-year-old hacker who publicized instructions for playing unauthorized games on the PlayStation console.

Legal and technology costs are likely to increase because of the incident, further hurting Sony's credit profile, Moody's Japan K.K. said in a statement May 2. Sony has an A3 rating at Moody's with a 'stable' outlook.

"We are absolutely dedicated to restoring full and safe service as soon as possible and rewarding you for your patience," wrote Stringer. "We will settle for nothing less."

Apple Supplier Foxconn Forces employees to Sign No Suicide Pact

Apple’s iPhone and iPad supplier Foxconn forced its employees to sign a ‘no suicide’ pact after a series of suicides by employees in Foxconn factories across China.

The new revelation is a part of a report released by The Centre for Research on Multinational Companies and the human rights group Students And Scholars Against Corporate Misbehaviour (SACOM), which found that staff are forced to sometimes forced to put in 98 hours of overtime per month, Thinq reports.

Foxconn forced its staff to make written promises that they won’t commit suicide after 14 Foxconn workers committed suicide and several others tried but survived in the company’s factories in Chengdu and Shenzhen districts.

The report also revealed that workers in Foxconn factories were forced to work 7 days a week manufacturing Apple’s iPad device. Apple’s own code of conduct for suppliers advises them to make the workers work no more than 60 hours per week.

Foxconn representatives denied that the suicides were related to forced overtimes with an executive adding that workers were committing suicides to get compensation for their families.

The report, which interviewed around 500,000 workers, revealed that workers lived in dormitories that looked like prison blocks and were treated like machines.


Google, Facebook Both Looking To Team Up With Skype

Facebook and Google are both reportedly trying to strike a deal with popular VoIP service provider Skype.

Sources have told Reuters that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is mulling an all-out acquisition of the company while another source revealed that the company might form a joint venture with Skype.

Meanwhile, search engine giant Google is also in talks with Skype. Google already offers VoIP services via Google Talk and Google Voice.

However, the source revealed that the talks are in very early stages and ran a danger of collapsing midway. It is also not clear which company Skype is likely to go with.

On one hand, there is Facebook, with its 500 million + users that could give Skype the platform it needs to expand. Google is also moving big into the enterprise cloud services market and could use Skype to boost its portfolio.

Skype is also planning its first initial public offering, most likely in the second half of 2011. The company is expected to raise around a billion dollars from the IPO. With more companies moving into VoIP services, some analysts have speculated that Skype will need to work with a larger company to survive future competition.


Why Standard & Pro iPhone 5 Handsets Don't Make Sense

Last week, a blog reported that Apple may be releasing two versions of the iPhone 5, one which may be billed as a "standard" one while the other will be presented as the "pro" one.

The author of the post on iPhoneDownloadBlog, Alex, quotes anonymous sources saying that the better version will have "the very best of what you can get right now" in terms of components, before adding that "Apple is ordering better quality components for the same function".

We're dubious about this rumour for a number of reasons; firstly, Apple doesn't do "pro" and "standard" versions. The straight-forwardness of its product range is one of the company's main selling points.

The only differentiators between the current iPhone models are the inherent network technology, the colour and the capacity; using only these parameters yields 12 stock keeping units, which would double to 24 if IDB is to be believed.

A single product like the iPhone 4 ensures a coherent user experience across the whole spectrum; from playing games, to reading emails or browsing the internet.

Introducing an iPhone 5 'Lite' dilutes that experience and may confuse the user, especially if Apple keeps the iPhone 4 as it did with the iPhone 3GS, which is more than likely to happen.

Then there's the fact that there aren't many features that can be altered without impacting on the user experience. Sure Apple can change the type of screen used, the screen size or resolution, the amount of memory and the number of cores on the next iPhone, but other than that it's quite hard to see how they would be able to differentiate between the Pro and the Standard iPhone 5.


Hackers May Have Stolen Details Of 1.25m LastPass Accounts

LastPass, a company that allows its users to manage their passwords online, has revealed that it has detected anomalous traffic at its data center which might be due to hackers.

The company said on its website: "We know roughly the amount of data transferred and that it's big enough to have transferred people's email addresses, the server salt and their salted password hashes from the database."

The potential breach was discovered when the LastPass security team took a look at their logs and tried to explain every anomaly; unfortunately, they couldn't explain one that emanated from one of their non-critical machines and lasted for a few minutes.

Ironically, LastPass is supposed to help users manage their growing number of passwords and security logins, which is possibly why it could have been such an interesting target for hackers in the first place.

LastPass has urged its users to change their master passwords as soon as possible; access to that master password would have given any hacker the possibility to access scores of other passwords.

But, in stark contrast to what others have done in the past, LastPass apparently had a plan for such an eventuality and has forced all its customers to change their master passwords as a precautionary measure.

In addition, they're introducing a new feature called PBKDF2 or Password-Based Key Derivation Function which they hope will reduce the risk of hackers accessing customers information in the future even if they managed to breach LastPass's servers.


Amazon iPad 2 Tablet Rival Is Real : Taiwan Sources

Amazon is indeed looking to build a credible iPad 2 competitor according to "upstream" sources based in Taiwan who normally receive orders well in advance for components.

Digitimes notes that Quanta computer, one of the biggest OEMs from the island, received orders from Amazon for the tablet which will use display components from E Ink Holdings.

The Taiwanese company is expecting to ship up to 800,000 units during the peak season towards the end of the year with initial shipping dates starting as early as July 2011.

Interestingly, the Quanta source said that the company expects the device to contribute as much as $3.5 billion to the company's annual revenue which, we suspect, is not totally correct given that Quanta will have to produce at least 10 million Amazon tablets in the six remaining months of 2011 to reach that number, something which is not likely to happen.

Quanta is looking to add Lenovo to its portfolio of tablet customers and wants to get them onboard to produce their next generation LePad (ed: we had a prior view of the Ideapad S1 which is set to come later this year).

Digitimes' report mentions that Amazon has been successful with the Kindle, its ebook reader, only in the US and Europe but hasn't been able to conquer a significant market share elsewhere.

One possible strategy Amazon may be looking into is to cut the price of the Kindle, flog it as a tablet lite, and then push a proper tablet device capable of rivalling the iPad 2.


Sony Nearly Ready To Resume PlayStation Network Services

Sony will begin resuming some PlayStation Network services this week following a massive outage caused by an attack on the company’s servers.

According to a press release on the PlayStation blog, the company is gearing up to resume some of the features on the PlayStation network including gaming, music and video services.

The company was forced to shut down the entire PlayStation Network after hackers broke into their servers and stole valuable user information including user names, passwords and emails and presumably, credit card information. The outage affected more than 77 million PSN users worldwide.

Sony announced that it had done an audit of its entire network and had implemented measures to protect user information against future attacks.

The features that Sony will activate this week on the PlayStation Network include online gaming, access to music streaming services, access to account management and password reset, access to movie rentals, friend list and chat functionality.

“These illegal attacks obviously highlight the widespread problem with cyber-security. We take the security of our consumers’ information very seriously and are committed to helping our consumers protect their personal data,” said Kazuo Hirai, Executive Deputy President, Sony Corporation.

“In addition, the organization has worked around the clock to bring these services back online, and are doing so only after we had verified increased levels of security across our networks,” he added.


BackTrack 5 Release

The BackTrack Dev team has worked furiously in the past months on BackTrack 5, code name “revolution”. Today, we are proud to release our work to the public, and then rest for a couple of weeks.

This new revision has been built from scratch, and boasts several major improvements over all our previous releases.

Based on Ubuntu Lucid LTS. Kernel 2.6.38, patched with all relevant wireless injection patches. Fully open source and GPL compliant. Head down to our downloads page to get your copy now!

We would like to take this opportunity to thank several key individuals who have helped make this release possible:

- Ofensive-Security who have played a major role in deveopment and funding of our project.
- Devon Kearns – A new member in our BackTrack team who single handedly covered more packages that the whole team put together. At some stage we considered renaming the release to “dookie-track”.
- Shadz – Master of the dragon and creator of the promo movie. Check him out at www.zusedesign.com
- Digip – Master of our website and dang good artist – ticktockcomputers.com
- Elwood – For getting an awesome forensics environment up. Thanks!
- Mister_X – For going through our wireless setup and making sure everything was sparkling.
- Bolexxx – our torrent and download master. Your download is due to him.

I would also like to personally thank each member of the BackTrack Dev team for putting the effort required to make this great release. Stay tuned to our Forums and Wiki for upadtes, howtos and bug fixes for BackTrack 5. These resources will grow significantly in the next couple of weeks.

Head down to the downloads page and get your copy of BackTrack 5!



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