Sony to pay compensation over PlayStation security breach

SONY will compensate millions of PlayStation users whose personal details were hacked in a massive security breach.

And yesterday the electronics giant’s CEO Sir Howard Stringer also apologised for the first time to all those affected.

On the PlayStation website Sir Howard said: “As a company, we – and I – apologise for the inconvenience and concern caused by this attack.”

He then offered compensation to US PlayStation Network and other online product users in the form of a year-long free enrolment in an identity protection programme. It includes a £600,000 ID theft insurance policy. To try to reassure Sony customers, he added: “To date, there is no confirmed evidence any credit card or personal information has been misused.”

Sony revealed last month that hackers had swiped the names, addresses and possibly credit card details of more than 100 million accounts used for accessing games and music over the internet.

One expert warned security concerns could hit sales of Sony’s gadgets and hurt growth prospects for its network services. But Peter Walshe, of global brands research agency Millward Brown, insisted the main Sony brand should bounce back.

Yesterday, online vigilante group Anonymous denied being behind the cyber-attack. A posting on its blog said: “Let’s be clear, we are legion but it wasn’t us. You are incompetent, Sony.”


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