Apple Supplier Foxconn Forces employees to Sign No Suicide Pact

Apple’s iPhone and iPad supplier Foxconn forced its employees to sign a ‘no suicide’ pact after a series of suicides by employees in Foxconn factories across China.

The new revelation is a part of a report released by The Centre for Research on Multinational Companies and the human rights group Students And Scholars Against Corporate Misbehaviour (SACOM), which found that staff are forced to sometimes forced to put in 98 hours of overtime per month, Thinq reports.

Foxconn forced its staff to make written promises that they won’t commit suicide after 14 Foxconn workers committed suicide and several others tried but survived in the company’s factories in Chengdu and Shenzhen districts.

The report also revealed that workers in Foxconn factories were forced to work 7 days a week manufacturing Apple’s iPad device. Apple’s own code of conduct for suppliers advises them to make the workers work no more than 60 hours per week.

Foxconn representatives denied that the suicides were related to forced overtimes with an executive adding that workers were committing suicides to get compensation for their families.

The report, which interviewed around 500,000 workers, revealed that workers lived in dormitories that looked like prison blocks and were treated like machines.



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